Mbak Miyosi Ariefiansyah is the only friend that I have who wrote on her blog in English. It made me wonder some questions after I read her story for the first time >> Online Education Degree Program. I don't know since when she started to write in English. But my impression when I finished read her blog post, it was very pleasant. 

I also left my digital imprint there. My comment was: I agree with Mbak Miyo's statement if no matter how good school or university, it won't make us good too, automatically. But the atmosphere (especially competitive) at the best scholl is too diferent with the others. That atmosphere can push everyone become a better person."  Hmm, do you agree with me, Sobat Dumay?

For your information... I knew Mbak Miyo, that I called her, when we're in the same group "Exclusive Blogging Class." We have known each other for three years over. I enjoy to talk with her. Maybe it's just because we've the similarity. First, we're graduated from accounting background. Second, we've the same preferences : writing. It's such a blessing to be her friend. She's so diligent as a writer. Just please search her name and then you'll know what I mean. And she's been a writer for 13 years. MasyaAllah she cuts the mustard!

As sobat dumay know before, I decided to learn English again. At first, I just want to help myself for being more confident when I talk with the others. We must keep go outside from our comfort zone, right? That sentence isn't only for entrepreneur world, but also for everyone at every moments or jobs of their life. Against the great enemy to creativity is a must. And Mbak Miyo did it as well when she tried to write in English. Refreshing something new of her journey as a writer!

Before this post published, I had some conversation with her. We talked in usual. But sometimes I asked her for some question that made me curious: what kind of trouble that she has when start to write in English? Her answer was...

"Because English isn't our native language so it's definitely different. I'm still struggling. Repetition is the key.Miyosi Ariefiansyah

In fact, Mbak Miyo isn't a beginner of writer. But she still found some difficulties and she didn't give up. And also, Mbak Miyo really proves what she said about repitition. Let me show you some blog posts based on her favourite topics : traveling, parenting, and daily activites.

At the end of our conversation I also asked, "What kind of writer do you want to be known as?" And she said that becoming an inspirational book writer is something that she wants to be known as. Because she likes every stories that she heard. And she also learned a lot from that.

Hopefully her spirit to keep going as a multi talented writer will always passed on to me. I also want to be more creative and against my comfort zone as well as she did, insyaAllah.